Admission to study
You can study with us if you have the right to study. Each study is of limited duration. To retain the right to study you must comply with certain requirements.
Published: 19/03/2024
What is the right to study?
If you are admitted to a full-time or part-time study, you are granted the right to study. The right to study gives you the right to take part in the program/course to which you were admitted. This includes access to teaching, supervision, access to the learning platform and library, as well as assessment in accordance with the curriculum and course descriptions pertaining to the program or course
Completed your studies
If you have completed your studies, your right to study has ended. If you completed a study that led to a degree, you will receive a diploma. If you completed a Continuing Professional Development Program/course, you must collect your Transcript of Records in Studentweb before the study right ends.
Collect your Transcrips of Records here and here Vitnemålsportalen/Diploma Registry.
Conditions for retaining the right to study
The right to study is dependent on you registering for the semester and paying the semester fee and other fees that the study program imposes on you, within the given deadlines.
How long do I have the right to study?
The period of study entitlement determines how long you can spend completing the program to which you are admitted. Each program has a limited duration, and you must complete the program within a certain period, ie within the period of study eligibility. How long you may be delayed in completing your program is governed by the current study regulations. If you are delayed beyond what is allowed, your course of study ends, and you will no longer be a student at PHS.