We use the digital recruitment system Webcruiter to manage job applications. It is important that you fill out your CV in Webcruiter as accurately and completely as possible. In addition, you must write a letter of application in the free text field. Here you can tell us something about your background and your motivation for applying. You will find a link to Webcruiter in the job advert.
Remember, you must be of good character to apply. In addition, you must submit a police certificate of conduct when you sign your employment contract.
See politiet.no for details of how to apply for a police certificate of conduct
Once your job application has been registered, you will receive an e-mail confirming that your application has been received. When the job has been filled, all applicants will receive an e-mail disclosing who has been appointed to the position.
Expanded and public lists of applicants
When you apply, you will be included in an expanded list of applicants. An expanded list of applicants contains details of the applicants’ names, ages, academic qualifications and work experience. All job applicants are entitled to see the expanded list of applicants for the particular job for which they are applying. You cannot ask to be exempted from inclusion on this list.
All state agencies must also draw up a public list of applicants containing their names, ages, genders, current positions and the municipality in which they are registered. If you do not wish your name to be included on the public list of applicants, you may request omission by checking the option and explaining the reason in your Webcruiter application. If your request is not granted, you will be notified and given the opportunity to withdraw your application.