Brita Bjørkelo


Experience and background

I am a clinical psychologist, have a PhD in work- and organisational psychology and work as a professor (policing, organisational psychology). I lead the RCN financed project “A matter of facts”, the research projects "Diversity in Education and Organisation", "Ethics, Social Media and Teacher Education", and the “Police Study” with Bjørn Lau (UiO). I previously led the “Organisation and Leadership" research group, the FIX-project (RCN) and I am a member of the Editorial board of the Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing. I work on several projects on police leadership, psychosocial work environment and organization.

Competence areas

  • Leadership
  • Psychsocial work environment
  • Organisations


  • Leadership, psychosocial work environment, and organisation
  • Ethical grey area cases and dilemmas
  • Development and digitalisation in education and profession

Teaches in

  • Resarch methods
  • Ethics
  • Policing
  • Leadership, work- and organizational psychology

Last Publications