Anne Fredrikke (Rikke) Krafft

Police Superintendent

Experience and background

I am a senior police officer and have a background in operational police work/patrol service, and have been operational since 1999. I have been employed at the Norwegian Police University College since 2009, and have taught the following subjects: Communication and conflict management, Operational police service, Professional ethics, training simulator/shooting simulator, as well been a supervisor for students with bachelor's theses. I started working with the Post Graduate courses in 2021, and here I am responsible for continuing education in abuse in close relationships. In my master's thesis, I wrote about operational police officers' experiences with assignments dealing with violence in close relationships, where children were present. I am particularly concerned about the police patrol's meeting with children in the first phase of the investigation.

Competence areas

  • Operational police work
  • Communication and conflict management
  • Police tactics
  • Abuse in close relationships

Teaches in

  • Abuse in close relationships