Ole Ragnar Norheim Jenssen


Experience and background

I am a lecturer at the Police Universety College in Bodø. My field of research and expertise fields are physical training, physical fitness, physical readiness and professional practice and first aid. At the moment I am working with a project which aim to describe students' physical activity level and their motivation towards physical training and activity. The intention with the study is to conduct data over several years to se if there are changes in motivation and activity level during the time they are studying, but also after some years after graduation

Competence areas

  • Physical fitness and testing
  • Motivation for physical activity
  • Physical readiness and professional practice


  • Physical fitness and testing
  • Motivation for physical activity and training
  • Physical readiness and professional practice

Teaches in

  • Operational policing B1
  • Operational policing B3
  • Bachelor thesis

Last Publications